Flexible PEI Build Plate For Ender 3(Pro)/Ender 5(Pro)/Ender 3 V2/Ender-3S1
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Flexible PEI Build Plate For Ender 3(Pro)/Ender 5(Pro)/Ender 3 V2/Ender-3S1

6 600,00 DZD Aucune taxe

6 600,00 DZD HT

2 à 4 Jours
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What is a PEI Sheet?

Polyetherimide, more commonly known in its abbreviated form PEI, is a “relatively maintenance-free” build surface that can be used for all types of filaments on a heated or unheated 3D print bed. It doesn’t require any additional adhesives such as glue or tape.

PEI requires “no-surface-prep” before use, which makes it very convenient to work with 3D Printing.
Creality Official PEI sheet has excellent mechanical properties, radiation resistance, high and low-temperature resistance, high-temperature stability, and high wear resistance as well as good flame retardancy, chemical resistance, and electrical insulation characteristics.

Feature of PEI Build Plate:

Wide Compatibility: 235*235mm Suitable for Creality Ender 3Ender 3 V2/Ender 3 Pro/Ender 5 ProEnder-3NEOEnder-3V2NeoEnder-3S1Ender-3S1 ProEnder-5 S1 3D Printer etc,.
High Quality: The flexible PEI bed is made of high-quality spring steel that won't kink or warp when you flex them, they just return back to shape!
Easy Printing: No more tape, no more glue, no more shovel, and release your printing anxiety easy to adhere to the printing surface, easy to remove the prints, flex slightly to pop your print right off.
High Hardness and durable: The PEI heated bed can withstand the numerous heat cycles that a 3D print bed goes through from print to print.

How to choose the suitable 3D Printer Build Plate?

 Smooth PEI Build PlatePC Spring Steel MagneticRemovable Magnetic Build SurfaceCarborundum Glass
Standard configuration of the printerNoneEnder-3S1/Ender-3V2NEO, Ender-3S1 PlusEnder-3 ProEnder-3V2, Ender-5PLUS, Ender-3Neo, Ender-3Max (Neo), CR-10Smart etc,.
Max-temperatureRecommended 80°C
(Support printing at 100°C; it is generally recommended to keep it at or below 80°C, and it will lose its magnetism if it is used for a long-time above 80°C)
Recommended 80°C
(Support printing at 100°C; it is generally recommended to keep it at or below 80°C, and it will lose its magnetism if it is used for a long-time above 80°C)
Recommended 80°C.
(Support printing at 100°C; it is generally recommended to keep it at or below 80°C, and it will lose its magnetism if it is used for a long-time above 80°C) 
Max_400℃(Normally Printing Setting is around 110℃)
Build SurfacePEI stick filmPC CoatingPC CoatingTempered Glass Composite Coating
The effect of the bottom surface of the modelFlat and Smoothslightly rough textureslightly rough textureFlat and Smooth
Bed AdhesionGreat for PLA, TPU, WOOD, PLA-Wood, PETG etc,.Great for PLA, TPU, WOOD, PLA-Wood, PETG, ABS, PC, ASA etc, high temperature consumablesGreat for PLA, TPU, WOOD, PLA-Wood, PETG etc,.Flat and Smooth
How to remove the modelRemove the model after cooling.
For high temperature printing, it is recommended to cool down slightly before taking the model.
As the PC Spring Steel has a strong viscosity,
①For printing the high-temperature consumables need to cool down 【slightly to not be hot 】 or wear anti-scalding gloves to remove the model. To prevent the sticker fro being torn off after the model removed in the cools down in some cases.
②For printing smaller models or models with a very low height, it is recommended to add brim when printing to facilitate removal of the model
Remove the model after cooling.
For high temperature printing, it is recommended to cool down slightly before taking the model.
Remove the model after cooling.
For high temperature printing, it is recommended to cool down slightly before taking the model.



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